4 research outputs found

    Repositorio en la Nube de Buenas Prácticas para el Desarrollo de Competencias Transversales mediante un Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos Arquitectónicos [Guidelines Repository on the Cloud for Developing Soft Skills through a Arquitectural Projects based Learning]

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    El plan Bolonia ha supuesto un cambio a un paradigma centrado en un aprendizaje basado en competencias. En este contexto, las Competencias Transversales (CTs) son fundamentales y un valor añadido para los egresados a la hora de integrarse en el mercado laboral. En arquitectura, los diferentes ABPs que se desarrollan presentan una oportunidad para el desarrollo de CTs, por ello en este trabajo se presenta un repositorio en la nube de buenas prácticas en el ámbito de arquitectura que recopila un conjunto de casos de uso de ABPs, describiendo las diferentes actividades educativas llevadas a cabo y como estas desarrollan y evalúan las CTs. Además, el repositorio describe las metodologías, las herramientas TIC necesarias para su puesta en marcha, permitiendo desplegarlas en la nube en caso de no disponer de ellas. Como resultado se presenta a modo de ejemplo un caso de un alojamiento colectivo con una pequeña escuela infantil y como esta se visualiza en el repositorio [The Bologna plan has changed the paradigm to a learning based on competences. In this context, Transversal Competences (TCs) are key and an added value for integrating the graduates in the labor market. The different PBLs that are developed in architecture degree are an opportunity for developing TCs. Thus, in this work is presented a guidelines repository on the cloud in the architecture scope that recollects a set of PBLs, describing the different educational activities that are performed and how are developed and evaluated the TCs. Furthermore, the repository describes the methodologies and the TIC tools required to run the activities, allowing to deploy on the cloud if they are not available. As a result, an example is presented, this is a collective housing with a small children's school. Also, it is presented how the example is visualized in the repository.

    Portafolios Docentes de Programación en la Nube para la Evaluación de Competencias [Programming Portfolios in the Cloud for Skills Assessment]

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    Este trabajo presenta una plataforma web para la generación de Portafolios Docentes de Programación Software (PDPs) en la nube y la extracción automática de métricas de los PDPs generados para evaluar competencias, tanto las relacionadas específicamente con la programación de software (p. ej. Desarrollar software de calidad, Dominar el paradigma orientado a objetos), como las competencias genéricas (p. ej. Capacidad de análisis y resolución de problemas, Creatividad). La plataforma ofrece a los profesores un interfaz web para personalizar (número de alumnos, herramientas, practicas docentes, etc.) un Entorno Virtual Computacional (EVC), que es desplegado en la nube proporcionando un entorno integrado de todas herramientas necesarias para que el alumno genere un PDP y el profesor extraiga de forma automatizada las métricas para la evaluación de competencias específicas y transversales. La plataforma se encarga de aprovisionar los recursos de cómputo y almacenamiento además de la configuración para la puesta en marcha del EVC a través de proveedores Cloud (públicos o privados). Finalmente, se presenta un estudio de los tiempos de despliegue de EVCs sobre el proveedor cloud publico Amazon Web Services, demostrando que la plataforma abstrae de toda la complejidad de configuración e integración de las herramientas requeridas en un tiempo razonable. [This work presents a web platform to generate a Teaching Portfolio of software Programming (TPP) on the cloud, and the extraction of metrics of the generated TPP for assessing competences, both related to programming skills (e.g. Mastering the Object-Oriented Paradigm) as generic competences (e.g. Capacity of analysis and resolution of problems, Creativity). The platform provides the teachers with a web interface to customize (in terms of number of students, tools, lab sessions, etc…) a Computational Virtual Environment (CVE), which is deployed on the cloud providing an integrated environment composed of all required tools for the student to generate a TPP and the teacher to automatically extract the metrics for assessing both specific and soft skills. The platform is responsible for provisioning computational and storage resources, and also the configuration for starting up of the EVC on cloud providers (public or private). Finally, the paper presents study of the time required to deploy such CVEs in the Amazon Web Services public cloud provider, demonstrating that the platform abstracts the configuration complexity and integration of the required tools in a reasonable time.

    Content-Based Organisation of Virtual Repositories of DICOM Objects

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    The integration of multi-centre medical image data to create knowledge repositories for research and training activities has been an aim targeted since long ago. This paper presents an environment to share, to process and to organise medical imaging data according to a structured framework in which the image reports play a key role. This environment has been validated on a clinical environment, facing problems such as firewalls and security restrictions, in the frame of the CVIMO (Valencian Cyberinfrastructure of Medical Imaging in Oncology) project. The environment uses a middleware called TRENCADIS (Towards a Grid Environment for Processing and Sharing DICOM Objects) that provides users with the management of multiple administrative domains, data encryption and decryption on the fly and semantic indexation of images. Data is structured into four levels: Global data available, virtual federated storages of studies shared across a vertical domain, subsets for projects or experiments on the virtual storage and individual searches on these subsets. This structure of levels gives the needed flexibility for organising authorisation, and hides data that are not relevant for a given experiment. The main components and interactions are shown in the document, outlining the workflows and explaining the different approaches considered, including the protocols used and the difficulties met. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors wish to thanks the financial support received from Valencia Region Ministry of Enterprises, University (Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia) to develop the project "Ciberinfraestructura Valenciana de Imagen medica Oncologica", with reference GVEMP06/04.Blanquer Espert, I.; Hernández García, V.; Meseguer Anastasio, JE.; Segrelles Quilis, JD. (2009). Content-Based Organisation of Virtual Repositories of DICOM Objects. Future Generation Computer Systems. 25(6):627-637. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2008.12.004S62763725

    Exchanging Data for Breast Cancer Diagnosis on Heterogeneous Grid Platforms

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    This article describes the process of defining and implementing new components to exchange data between two real GRID-based platforms for breast cancer diagnosis. This highly collaborative work in development phase pretends to allow communication between middleware, namely TRENCADIS and DRI, in different virtual organizations. On the one hand, TRENCADIS is a Service-Oriented Architecture in which the usage of resources is represented with Grid services based on the Open Grid Service Architecture specification (OGSA).On the other hand, DRI is a software platform aimed at reducing the cost of hosting digital repositories of arbitrary nature on Grid infrastructures. TRENCADIS has been deployed in the Dr. Peset Hospital (Valencia, Spain) and DRI has been deployed in the S ao Jo ao Hospital (Porto, Portugal). The final objective of this work in progress is to share medical images and its associated metadata among geographically distributed research institutions, while maintaining confidentiality and privacy of data